Completely Clear

Thursday 28 May
~ John Lance

Two weeks ago I had the results of my latest Cancer scans, and as I knew they would be, the results came back the same as last years scan – completely clear of Cancer!

For those of you who may not know, in 2018 I was told I had an aggressive advanced form of Prostate Cancer.  I was also told that there was no cure for this type of cancer.  The early scans had already revealed evidence that the Cancer was spreading and had already caused damage to my bones.  It wouldnt be long until it would start to attack my major organs so the doctors recommended that I should have Chemotherapy.  They explained to me that this isnt a cure, but it should hopefully slow down it’s spread.  It seemed that was the best we could hope for, a slowing down of the inevitable.


I held on to the Hope of Jesus; I was prayed for and I am now completely healed.

I believe Jesus paid the price for our physical healing and it is by His stripes that I am healed!

Thank You Jesus.