Posts by admin (Page 2)

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Friday 7th February 2020 I have been settling in well here in Juarez, the adjustment has not been difficult at all.  I know that it’s the power of prayer and the goodness of God that has made this time easy.  Thank you to all those who have prayed for me. I had a big surprise this week when snow started falling.  My roommate, Vania, has never experienced snow before as she comes from a different part of Mexico, so I…

An update from Trudi

Monday 20 January 2020 Good news! I have arrived safely in Mexico. Despite the bumpy flight that was a little scary at times, the immigration process was smooth and easy, and the best bit – all my luggage has arrived safe and sound. Thank you everyone for your prayers. I was concerned I might lose my bags but God has kept them safe. I was met at the airport by some team members who took me to a Mexican restaurant.…
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